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Safety and Emergency Procedures

Asbestos Notification

Please see District Policy information on our website ~

Bad Weather Consideration

Please see District Policy information on our website ~

Critical Incident Procedures

In the event of a safety/security threat inside or outside the building, the Fort Morgan Police Department has assisted the school in establishing safety procedures.  Students will be taken to secure areas until the school office is notified by the police department that everything is safe.  The safety procedures are practiced twice each year.  In the event of a safety or security threat, please do not call the school or attempt to come after your children as this may hinder the process to keep your child safe. Please call the district office at 867-5633 for more information.

Emergencies and Drills

Green Acres conducts safety drills one or two times each month.  Please do not call the school or try to come after your children if you hear that the school is in lockdown.  Parents will receive an automated call if there is a lockdown situation directing them where to go to pick up their students if needed.    

Parents ― instruct your child in safety and emergency procedures.  Remind and review these procedures periodically.  Encourage your child to follow these rules, as they are made for his/her safety and protection.

Emergency Contacts

At registration, school personnel will ask you to provide the names and phone numbers of emergency contact people.  Please provide two emergency contact people and their current phone numbers so we will be able to reach someone in case of an emergency.  If there are any changes in your list of emergency contact people during the school year, it is your responsibility to notify the school with the changes.  

Lost Children Procedure 


  1. The plan of action includes the following:
  2. The staff member in charge of the missing child will immediately notify the office.
  3. Staff not supervising children will immediately do a quick check of the premises.
  4. The parents/guardians of the child will immediately be notified.
  5. Prompt action will be taken to notify the local authorities (police). 
  6. The District Administration Office will be notified.
  7. The Department of Human Services will be notified.


The plan of action includes the following:

  1. The group leader will notify the supervisor in charge and a staff member not supervising children will do a quick check of the premises.
  2. The supervisor will immediately contact the local authorities (tour guides, security guards, etc.) to help locate the child.
  3. The supervisor will confirm the safety of the rest of the children.
  4. The supervisor will notify the school so parents/guardians and the District Administration Office can be informed about the situation.


Students need to take the most direct route (one agreed upon by child and guardian) when walking to and from school.  They must go home immediately after school is dismissed and check in as arranged by their family.  

There is no bicycle riding on school grounds during school hours or when arriving and leaving school.  No skateboards, roller skates, in line skates, or scooters are to be brought to school.  Safety dictates established playground rules, cafeteria regulations, and other large group management issues, drills, and procedures be followed at all times including walking as the only acceptable safe way of moving in the hallways.  

Child Abuse Law

Please see District Policy information on our website ~

Weapons in School

Please see District Policy information on our website ~


Parents are encouraged to tell their child(ren) not to talk to or take things (including rides) from people they do not know.  Encourage your child to report to parents and/or teachers anyone who attempts to talk to them, follow them, or offer rides or “goodies” of some kind.  Please also tell your children to yell and run if anyone they don’t know tries to touch them.

Instruct your child to:

  1. Never accept rides or gifts from strangers.

  2. Always report to a teacher, police officer, bus driver, or parent any strangers seen loitering on foot or in a car near schools, playgrounds, or other places where children gather.

  3. Always try to secure the license number of the car.  Write it down or scratch it on the road with a stick or on the sidewalk with a stone.

  4. Seek help from a police officer.

You may want to remind your child and check periodically to see if he/she:

  1. Takes the most direct route to and from school.

  2. Goes immediately home after being dismissed from school.

  3. Obeys traffic and safety regulations established for both walking and bicycle riding.  NO BICYCLE RIDING IS PERMITTED ON SCHOOL GROUNDS DURING SCHOOL HOURS.

  4. Uses crosswalks.