Student Handbook
Printable Green Acres Student Handbook
Manual del Estudiante Imprimible de Green Acres
Welcome/Introductory Letter
On behalf of the staff, let me welcome your family to ours. We’re off to another exciting school year at Green Acres Elementary and we are happy to be working with all of our wonderful students and their families!
As the Green Acres family, we want to provide a positive learning environment for each student. Green Acres has an excellent staff and together with the commitment of parents and students, we will strive to foster not only academic excellence, but also responsible character and integrity in each of our students. In turn, we expect each student to be accountable for personal choices and actions. By working together and communicating with each other, families and educators can help each child blossom into a knowledgeable, responsible person. We take our professional duties very seriously, and we would urge you to be involved in the life of your child at school.
Please take some time to look over this parent‐student handbook. It is intended to answer many of your questions and make you more familiar with many of our practices, programs, and policies at Green Acres so your student(s) can be on the pathway for success. It probably won’t provide every answer to every question, so don’t hesitate to call us (867‐5460) if we can provide any additional information. In addition, our handbook is also posted on our district website ( under our schools/Green Acres for your convenience as well.
Finally, let me encourage you to become personally involved in your child’s education. Parents are their child’s first teachers, and we want to help continue that involvement. We love to see parents at school, and we hope you will consider volunteering time in your child’s classroom. Our PTO (Parent‐Teacher organization) and BAC (Building Accountability Committee) give interested parents additional avenues for involvement. By working together as partners in your child’s education, we can lay the foundation for continued success throughout your child’s academic career.
Best wishes for a successful school year!
Knowledge is Power!
Carol Francone
Principal, Green Acres Elementary